Everything's tender and nothing hurts
20.06.2011 в 21:47
Пишет  .neo:

слишком много тамблера.
мне действительно очень жаль, что я постоянно пишу об одном и том же, и я очень надеюсь, что скоро начну писать нормальные посты.

но, вот что я сегодня прочитала на тамблере.

I am fascinated by this overwhelming tumblr obsession with Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy. I’m a little offended by people calling it a bromance when they’re referring to the characters they played in X-Men (Magneto and Prof X)—it was obviously much more than that. They’re interactions off the screen can be called a bromance since it’s at least 75% ironic flirting. There’s no irony in the X-Men love storyline—the term bromance delegitimizes it.
I also find it interesting that TONS of PEOPLE (gay, straight, male, female, queer, other, whatever) are in love with a homoerotic relationship. Rather than just separate the two in their own fantasies, they actually picture them together. Watching is almost just as good! Are we getting to the point where we can objectify two gay men together the way society objectifies two gay women? Will there soon be equality in appropriation and consumption? Same goes for the new Sherlock series. I think there’s danger in obsessing over something to the point of making someone else’s sexuality your own, but I also think that it’s wonderful that people LOVE their love. Even 5 years ago, people would have said, “ew, no, I’ll just take Fassy. It’d be such a shame if they were gay.” No longer, folks, no longer!

и я думаю, что блин, я знаю, что эти двое 75% из того, что они делают, делают для пиара, но блин, правда же!

ну что, в кино?

URL записи

@темы: картинки, чарльз/эрик